01-09 The Story of Found Art, Great Lakes Nursery Trade Exposition, Lansing, Michigan
Michigan Nursery and Landscape Association
CONTACT: Amy Frankmann Amyfmnla@aol.com Tel. 800-879-6652

01-12 Modern and Historic Artifacts: Expressions of Culture in the Natural Garden, Connecticut College, New London, Connecticut
CONTACT: Kathy Garvin ktgar@conncoll.edu

01-16 Opportunities for Small Spaces / and / Native Perennials,  Eastern Regional Landscape Nursery Seminar, Delaware Valley College, Doylestown, Pennsylvania
CONTACT: David Suchanic 610-489-4315 djs25@psu.edu

01-18 Modern and Historic Artifacts: Expressions of Culture in the Natural Garden, Villanova, Pennsylvania
CONTACT: Jan McFarlan jlm@pobox.upenn.edu

01-21 Celebrating Natural Light in the Landscape, Zimmerman Lecture Series at Chicago Botanic Garden, Glencoe, Illinois
CONTACT: Maggie Coleman Maggietim@aol.com Tel. 847-864-0655 FAX 847-864-0656

01-23 Landscapes through the Lens: The Composition of Garden Photography / and / The Winter Garden, Ohio State University Nursery Short Course, Columbus, Ohio
CONTACT: Steven Still still.1@osu.edu 614-292-6027


02-06 The 21st Century American Garden: Challenges and Opportunities /and / The Beauty and Utility of Ornamental Grasses, ProHort Symposium, Springfield, Illinois
CONTACT: Lauren Howell, Tel. 309-686-3362  prohort@ina-online.org

02-09 In Harmony with Nature: Lessons from the Arts & Crafts Garden, Asheville, North Carolina
CONTACT: Jasmin Gentling 828-253-0608 BluBriar@aol.com

02-13 Ornamental Grasses in the American Landscape, New Jersey State meeting, ASLA, Tropican Resort,Atlantic City, New Jersey CONTACT: Patricia Brewer pbrewer@njlobbyist.com  Tel.856-461-9145

02-22 In Harmony with Nature: Lessons from the Arts & Crafts Garden, LCA Winter Workshop, Rockville, Maryland,
CONTACT: Amy M. Omang aomang@mgmtsol.com  Tel. 301-258-9210

02-24 Found Art in the Garden and Celebrating Grasses in the American Landscape, Master Gardeners Annual Conference, Lexington, Kentucky.
CONTACT: Candace Harker charker@ca.uky.eduTel. 859-257-5582

MARCH 2001

03-01+ 02 Landscape Design Workshop: The Arts & Crafts Garden, Chicago Botanic Garden
Chicago Botanic Garden website: http://www.chicagobotanic.org/SchoolSpecProg.html
CONTACT: Linda Jones LJones@chicagobotanic.org Phone: (847) 835 8278 Fax: (847) 835 6874

03-13 In Harmony with Nature: Lessons from the Arts & Crafts Garden, Friends of the Gamble House Sidney D.Gamble Lecture Series, Pasadena, California
CONTACT: Bobbi Mapstone mapstone@rcf-fs.usc.edu

03-15 The Story of Found Art, Descanso Gardens Guild, La Canada-Flintridge, California,
CONTACT: Richard Schulhof Tel. 818-952-4403

03-28 Art and the Garden, Hillwood Museum – Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC
CONTACT: Bill Johnson BJohnson@hillwoodmuseum.org

03-28 Roberto Burle Marx: The Artist and the Amazon, Una Celebracion de Latinoamericana, sponsored by the York College Music, Art, and Biology Departments, York, Pennsylvania     York College website: www.ycp.edu
CONTACT: Tel. 717-815-1354

APRIL 2001

04-05 Celebrating Grasses in the American Landscape, Garden Education Center of Greenwich, Greenwich, Connecticut
Website: www.gecgreenwich.org
CONTACT: Emily Ragsdale emrags@mindspring.com

04-20 In Harmony with Nature: Lessons from the Arts & Crafts Garden, Bedford Garden Club, Bedford, New York

MAY 2001

05-01 Celebrating Grasses in the American Landscape, Frederik Meijer Gardens, Grand Rapids Michigan
Website: www.meijergardens.org
CONTACT: Deb Davis ddavis@meijergardens.org   Tel. 616-977-7679

05-05 Keynote address, 2001 Annual Historic Preservation Conference "Open Spaces...Historic Places", sponsored by the New Jersey Historic Preservation Office, held at Monmouth University, West Long Branch, New Jersey.
CONTACT: Dorothy Guzzo dguzzo@dep.state.nj.us   tel: 609-984-0543 or 609 984 6016

JUNE 2001

06-16 The Landscape of the Arts & Crafts Movement, at Crab Tree Farm, Lake Bluff, Illinois, part of the New York University conference "The American Arts & Crafts Movement in International Context" running June 13-17, 2001 in Chicago.
CONTACT: Tel. 212-998-7171 or after June 7 call 212-998-7130.  Website: www.scps.nyu.edu

06-19 The Pine Barrens Landscape: Plants, People and Places, Scott Arboretum of Swarthmore College, Swarthmore, Pennsylvania.
CONTACT: Tel. 610-328-8025  email: scott@swarthmore.edu.  WEBSITE: www.scottarboretum.org

JULY 2001

07-26 Enhancing Delaware Highways: A Regionally Focused Highway Vegetation Management Study, co-presented with Gary Schwetz at the 4th Annual Northeastern Roadside Vegetation Workshop, ERC Conference Center, Baltimore, MD
CONTACT: Jerry Barkdoll Tel. 410-962-3187


08-02 Using Ornamental Grasses in the American Landscape and The Garden in Winter, Perennial Plant Association Annual Meeting, Crystal City, Virginia.
CONTACT: PPA tel. 614-771-8431 or email Dr. Steven Still  still.1@osu.edu


09-08 and 9-09 In Harmony with Nature: Lessons from the Arts & Crafts Garden, Roycroft Horticulture weekend and Fall Garden Faire, sponsored by Cornell Cooperative Extension of Erie County, held at the Roycroft Campus in East Aurora, New York.
CONTACT: Sally Cunningham Tel. 716 652-5400 ext.138 or email: SJC22@cornell.edu

09-17 The Beauty and Utility of Ornamental Grasses in American Gardens and Nature of Gardens: The Nature of Observation, Missouri Landscape and Nursery Association conference held at the Missouri Botanical Garden, St. Louis, Missouri.
CONTACT: tel 816-233-1481 email: info@mlna.org


10-20 Presentation/discussion, part of "A Garden Writers Symposium: Cultivating the Written Word" sponsored by Green Spring Gardens Park, Alexandria, Virginia.
Website: www.greenspring.org
CONTACT: Cynthia Brown tel 703-642-5173

10-27 Celebrating Ornamental Grasses in the American Landscape, lecture and walking demonstration at Triple Oaks Nursery, Franklinville, New Jersey.  website: www.tripleoaks.com
CONTACT: Joseph Kiefer, tel. 856-694-4272


11-10 The Nature of Gardens: The Nature of Observation and Ornamental Grasses in the American Landscape, Operation City Beautiful 2001 Landscape Symposium, Evansville, Indiana.
CONTACT: Christine Wezet, tel. 812-425-4461  email: ocb@evansville.net

11-12 The Story of Found Art, Oldfields and the Indianapolis Museum of Art, Indianapolis, Indiana.
Website: www.ima-art.org
CONTACT: Mark Zelonis, tel. 317-923-1331 ext.582  email: mzelonis@ima-art.org

11-14 The Unique Beauty and Utility of Ornamental Grasses, Civic Garden Centre, Toronto, Ontario.
CONTACT: Carolyn Moore tel. 416-397-1351 email: cgc1@idirect.com  website: www.civicgardencentre.org/enter.htm


12-13 Regional Gardening in Eastern North America, Awaji Landscape Planning and Horticulture Academy, Awaji Island, Hyogo Prefecture, JAPAN
CONTACT: Shigeto Tsukie email: stsukie@sannet.ne.jp
English-language website: http://www.awaji.ac.jp/english/eindex.htm