01-12 The Winter Garden,
Garden Gurus IV Symposium, Purchase Area Master Gardeners, Paducah, Kentucky
CONTACT: Carolyn Roof
01-24 The 21st Century
American Garden Garden Center Symposium, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
CONTACT: Dick Schneider
01-30 Ornamental Grasses:
An Artful Approach ProGreen EXPO, Denver, Colorado
CONTACT: Vikki Anderies
Tel. 303-756-8028
02-06 In Harmony with Nature:
Lessons from the Arts & Crafts Garden, PGAA Symposium:Today's Horticulture
at Longwood Gardens, Kennett Square, Pennsylvania
CONTACT: Dan Maffei dpmaffei@wdwells.com Tel.
610-388-1000 ext. 507
02-03 In Harmony with Nature:
Lessons from the Arts & Crafts Garden and Celebrating Grasses
in the American Landscape, Reiman Gardens, Ames, Iowa
CONTACT: Linda Naeve Lindanaeve@aol.com
02-23 The Art of Garden
Design, Kansas City Garden Symposium: The Art of Gardening, Lee's Summit,
CONTACT: Frances Wenner
MARCH 2002
03-01 Living with Grasses
in American Landscapes and Gardens, The Planter’s Palette Symposium
2002: Artistry in the Garden, Warrenville, Illinois.
CONTACT: Amy Reynolds,
areynolds33@hotmail.com The
Planter's Pallette, Tel. 630-293-1040 ext. 2
03-19 A Reverence for Place:
Regional Garden Design in the Northeast and Celebrating Grasses in
the American Landscapes, University of Connecticut Perennial Symposium
2002, Storrs, Connecticut.
CONTACT: Leanne Pundt,
Extension Educator lpundt@canr.uconn.edu
APRIL 2002
04-02 Ornamental Grasses
in the American Landscape, Calhoun County Master Gardener Association
and Kalamazoo County Master Gardener Guild, Battle Creek, Michigan
VGogel@aol.comTel. 616-963-1448
04-06 The New Jersey Pine
Barrens Landscape: Plants, People and Place, Medford Leas Arboretum,
Medford Leas, New Jersey.
CONTACT: Nancy Barkleyt
bark52@yahoo.comTel. 856-424-1403
04-30 A Prescient Palette,
2nd Annual Symposium at Kykuit: "Great Garden Visions: Past Plants, Present
Pleasures", presented by Historic Hudson Valley in partnership with The
Garden Conservancy and the National Trust for Historic Preservation. Tarrytown,
New York. Kykuit website:www.hudsonvalley.org/web/kyku-main.html
CONTACT: Susan Greenstein
Tel. 914-631-8200
MAY 2002
05-16 + 17 In Harmony with
Nature: Lessons from the Arts & Crafts Garden, 2-day workshop and
fieldtrip to Crab Tree Farm. Special Program of The Chicago Botanic Garden,
Glencoe, Illinois. Website: www.chicagobotanic.org
CONTACT:Linda Jones LJones@chicagobotanic.org
Tel. 847-835-6876
05-25 The Regional Landscape
of the Arts & Crafts Movement, The Arts & Crafts Society of
Central New York, Syracuse, New York. website: www.acscny.org
CONTACT: Dave Rudd, Dalton's
American Decorative Arts, rudd@daltons.com
Tel. 315-463-1568
06-06 Native Plants in
Home Landscapes, Conference on Native Plants in the Landscape. Millersville
University, Millersville, Pennsylvania.
CONTACT: FM Mooberry,
06-07 Grasses and Sedges,
Conference on Native Plants in the Landscape. Millersville University,
Millersville, Pennsylvania.
CONTACT: FM Mooberry,
08-24 In Harmony with Nature:
Lessons from the Arts & Crafts Garden, Thr Mount (Edith Wharton Restoration),
Lenox, Massachusetts.
CONTACT: Tel. 413-637-1899
website: www.edithwharton.org
08-24 Living with Native
Plants in the 21st Century American Landscape, 11th Annual Native Plant
Seminar and Sale, Irvine Nature Center, Stevenson, Maryland.
CONTACT: Tel. 410-484-2413,
website: www.explorenature.org
09-16 Celebrating Light
in the Local Landscape, University of Delaware Botanic Garden, Newark,
CONTACT: Susan Barton
email: sbarton@udel.edu
09-19 In Harmony with Nature:
Lessons from the Arts & Crafts Garden, Norfolk Botanical Garden,
Norfolk, Virginia.
CONTACT: Tel. 757-441-5830
website: www.virginiagarden.org
09-26 Celebrating Grasses
in the All-season Garden, Frelinghuysen Arboretum, Morristown, New
CONTACT: Pamela Wilson,
Tel. 973-326-7627 or 973-326-7600
09-30 The American Woodland
Garden: Capturing the Spirit of the Deciduous Forest, Nebraska Statewide
Arboretum, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Lincoln, Nebraska.
CONTACT: Tel.402-472-2971
10-03 Celebrating Native
Grasses in the American Landscape, Third Annual Eastern Native Grass
Symposium, North Carolina Botanical Garden, Chapel Hill, North Carolina.
CONTACT: Johnny Randall
Tel. 919-962-0522 email: jrandall@email.unc.edu
10-26 The Inside View
on The Garden: Inviting the Extraordinary Into Everyday Experience, Olbrich
Gardens Fall Symposium: Making the Right Connections, Madison, Wisconsin.
CONTACT: Tel. 608-246-4550 Edward Lyon elyon@ci.madison.wi.us
11-16 The American Woodland
Garden: Capturing the Spirit of the Deciduous Forest, New England
Wildflower Society Symposium - Beyond the Decorative Garden: Ideas and
Plants for Dynamic Designs.
CONTACT: Greg Lowenberg
Tel. 508-877-7630 lowenberg@newfs.org
11-20 The
American Woodland Garden:
Capturing the Spirit of the Deciduous Forest, lecture and booksigning
sponsored by The Garden Conservancy, 6pm at the New York School of Interior
Design, 170 E. 70th Street, New York, NY.
Botnick at The Garden Conservancy Tel. 845-265-2029, dbotnick@gardenconservancy.org
website: http://www.gardenconservancy.org