01-14 Transitions in the
Landscape, 2004 Delaware Horticulture Industry Expo,
Dover, Delaware
CONTACT: Susan Barton,
phone:302-831-1375 sbarton@udel.edu
02-04 The American Woodland
Garden: Capturing the Spirit of the
Deciduous Forest, ProHort Symposium, Peoria, Illinois
CONTACT: ProHort prohort@ina-online.org
phone: 888-525-3900
02-07 The American Woodland Garden in the 21st Century
, Connecticut Horticultural Society Symposium, Hartford, Connecticut
CONTACT: phone:860.529-8713 Nancy Shipman nanship@cox.net
02-11 The American Woodland
Garden: Capturing the Spirit of the
Deciduous Forest, LCA Winter Workshop (Landscape Contractors
Association MD-DC-VA), Ellicott City, Maryland
CONTACT: LCA office:
lca@mgmtsol.com phone:301-948-0810
schedule in pdf format: http://www.lcamddcva.org/WW_2004.pdf
02-18 The Art That Is Life: Lessons from
the Arts & Crafts Garden,The Landscape Design Symposium:
Creativity and Craftsmanship, co-sponsored by the Michigan Nursery
and Landscape Association and Michigan State University's Department
of Horticulture, held at the Kellogg Center on the
Michigan State University Campus, East Lansing, Michigan
CONTACT: Michigan Nursery and Landscape Association
phone 800-879-6652
website: www.mnla.org
02-28 The American Woodland
Garden: Capturing the Spirit of the
Deciduous Forest, Hilltop Arboretum Winter Symposium, Baton
Rouge, Louisiana
CONTACT: Hilltop Arboretum phone:225-767-6916
detail: http://appl003.lsu.edu/hilltop/hilltop.nsf/$Content/Symposium?OpenDocument
MARCH 2004
03-07 Reflections on the Wet Edge of the
Woodlands, Wildflower Association of Michigan
17th annual Wildflower Conference, Kellogg Center on the Michigan
State University Campus, East Lansing, Michigan
CONTACT: Marji Fuller, WAM President, phone:269-948-2496
03-08 The American Woodland
Garden: Capturing the Spirit of the
Deciduous Forest,
CONTACT: Wildflower Association of Michigan 17th
annual Wildflower Conference, Kellogg Center on the Michigan State
University Campus, East Lansing, Michigan
CONTACT: Marji Fuller, WAM President,
phone:269-948-2496 marjif@iserv.net
04-14 The Evolving Landscape
and the Nature of Persuasion, Conway School of Landscape Design,
Conway, Massachusetts
This special lecture is open only to Conway School students, faculty,
and alumni. http://www.csld.edu/
CONTACT: Nancy Braxton, Administrative Director, phone 413-369-4044
MAY 2004
05-06 Magnolias in the Eastern North American Landscape, Magnolia Society 2004 Annual Meeting, West Conshohocken, Pennsylvania.JUNE 2004
03-30 The Heart of Gardening,
Smithsonian members 10th Anniversary Celebration "Seeds of Inspiration",
at the National Gallery, Washington, D.C.
NOTE: This special lecture is open only to Smithsonian members.
CONTACT: Bill Johnson, phone at Hillwood Museum and Gardens
202-686-8505 ext. 8529 BJohnson@hillwoodmuseum.org
10-06 The Livable Landscape, Northeast Regional Master Gardeners
Conference, helt at The Holiday Inn Select Baltimore North, 2004 Greenspring
Drive, Timonium, MD 21093.
CONTACT: conference website:
10-23-04 Learning from
a Woodland Stream, Jenny Fitch Memorial Lecture, University of North
Carolina at Chapel Hill
CONTACT: Dot Wilbur-Brooks, dotwilbu@email.unc.edu
WEBSITE: http://www.ncbg.unc.edu/program.htm
11-06-04 The American
Woodland Garden: Capturing the Spirit of the Deciduous Forest, Indiana
Native Plant and Wildflower Association (INPAWS)
CONTACT: Nancy Hill nanhill86@earthlink.net
WEBSITE: http://www.inpaws.org
11-18-04 Transitions
in the Landscape, Connecticut Horticultural Society, Hartford, Connecticut
CONTACT: Bonnie McLachlan tel 860-529-8713 or email: cthort@connix.com